Knowledge, Technology,&State-of-the-Art Equipment

For the highest quality performance engines.

Choose Your Engine


Knowledge Is Power

From our machining, assembly, fuel components to turbochargers — we have a full team of true experts that take pride in their craft to bring you the best diesel engines in the industry.
Engine/Machining Experts
Fuel & Injection Experts
Turbocharger Experts

Since 1985 Industrial Injection has been blazing trails in the diesel industry. With new advancements in fuel delivery, turbochargers and engines; we have the formula and knowledge to performance and reliability!


The Right Tool For the Job

One of the principles that Industrial Injection’s founder – Brady Williams believed was; investing in state-of-the-art equipment and technology. Without the right tool for the job, you can’t do precise and efficient work.
Precision Machining Tools
Injector Testing Equipment

We have all the tools and talent to manufacture the best performing components and then use them to assemble the finest engines available in the diesel industry.